Introductory Explanation
During my professional career, church choir directors often asked me for assistance, especially with finding appropriate repertoire for choirs where:
1. there is a limited number of participating singers, perhaps not enough to sing in 4 parts,
2. there is limited musical and/or vocal skill among choir members,
3. literature is needed that will allow the conductor, always with limited rehearsal time, to focus on important issues beyond correct notes and rhythms, e.g., better tone, unified vowels, expressive phrasing, etc.
One of my projects since retiring from university teaching is attempting to supply a concrete response to these requests, creating repertoire to meet the needs listed above.
Effort has been made to offer church choirs “simpler” literature that is fresh and satisfying, while retaining musical/artistic substance and integrity. Ranges have been kept modest and voice leading as uncomplicated as possible.
Most of the arrangements/compositions listed are for 2-part choir (Women and Men), with piano accompaniment.
The piano accompaniments have been created to add more fullness to the leaner sound of 2-part writing. They may not be sight-readable by some accompanists, including perhaps some of those blessed volunteers who offer their service. But the accompaniments will, with whatever practice might be needed, contribute greatly to the overall success of the music.
All pieces on the list are offered free of charge, with the hope they will be a blessing to all who might use them and advance the quality of choral singing in church.
A small request: If you find mistakes, kindly let me know so they can be corrected and the online PDF file replaced.
My very best wishes,
Ronald Staheli